
About Us

Cloud Cable is the nation's fastest growing alternative cable television line-up and OTT platform.

Our proposition is simple; cable TV, as we know atleast is a dinosaur. In a wireless world, a wired television provider is outdated and unnecessary. There is no need to run wires through your house or your neighborhood and the only reason it's still done is to take your money. All you need is a wi-fi signal and you can have unlimited access to television content. The only issue is the surf. We want to be able to channel surf and until know there has been no viable option.

That's where Cloud Cable comes in. A television line-up where old and new meet. No one can surf 500 channels and in an on-demand world no one wants to either. They had it right when cable started with a smaller television line-up of highly curated content. Cloud Cable is bringing back the best of cable TV from it's golden age and adding in all the bells and whistles of the 21st century.

For a small annual fee, you can access a stellar line-up of themed 24/7 television channels on all your televisions and kiss goodbye forever traditional cable with all of it's excessive commercials and costs.

Cloud Cable, Great TV is Making a Comeback!